Today, one of my brothers and a friend received a hand written letter and packet in his mail box. This is something that masons from the Southern States frequently get. Anonymous, of course, expounding a knowledge of our inner secrets an a opinion of the dastardly intentions that our fraternity supposedly operates under. I for one find it amusing. However on one hand it always disturbs me that some one can hold such an opinion of another and their motives with out truly understanding it. Below is the letter secretly stashed for his finding.
“Please read this and do not throw it away. I have many family members and friends affiliated with Freemasonry and Eastern Star. Most low‑level members in local lodges do not realize how demonic the ceremonies and rituals are. The Lord showed me when I got saved. Only the high‑degree members—the 25th degree and definitely the 32nd or 33rd degree—know they are worshipping Baphomet A.K.A. Satan. Being involved with Freemasonry/Shriners brings witchcraft and demonic curses into your home and upon your family. Do not be deceived. Read 2 Corinthians 11:14–15. Praying for wisdom for you and your spiritual discernment.”
One thing I can note is that whenever anti-masonic rhetoric is found, I’m met with a explanation that I am simply just not high enough in the organization to understand its real purpose.
While knowing that this letter was likely written with concern for his soul, it always strikes me that these letters are anonymous, and usually expound fallacy. What type of friend would leave a letter, not approach you directly of such a matter of importance as your soul. The answer is obvious, one that fears reprisal and one who does not trust you. In that case are you really a friend?
Every few years many masons find these letters in their mail box. Usually secretly appended to the door, or mailbox, and almost always never in person. Anti-masonry has plagued the masonic fraternity for centuries, usually fueled by preachers, Dictators, Authoritarian governments, and fanatics. Freemasonry’s mission apparently is offensive to the like and in many eyes must be extinguished. Reading these materials I personally find it appalling that people think such of my self, and my beloved fraternity. I am Christian, I study biblical texts, masonic texts, texts of other faiths, and love the study.
I post this because over my masonic career I have seen this over and over and found that in some societies its in fact dangerous to be known to be a member. There are some great books on the subject out there to read on anti-masonry as a movement, its complex and tumultuous history. I will forever continue to keep in mind that if the people behind this paper were to ever come to power, we are all doomed to conform to their views.
One but has to look historically to see where this rhetoric leads. Lodges burned, Attempts of violence, hate. There is a very real threat to free societies, and the organization. That threat is all but ignored in todays culture however is real. A small selection of examples can be found below:
Shootings and attempted murder:
This highlights the seriousness behind these anonymous and simple letters. It also highlights a misunderstanding or more intentional malice towards the fraternity, and its members. A malice willfully ignored in my humble opinion by public authorities. It also shows how a simple stump preacher, imam, politician or cleric can dangerously influence the weak minded individual to perform acts of violence in their name. Hate is evil, and in so much is the antithesis of masonic teachings and life. In so much I stand proud of a organization that that counters this.
“Freemasonry is a fraternal organization. A fraternity that can trace its existence back to the guilds of the Middle Ages. It exists in all free nations as a place for good men to gather, find a friend, and better themselves with the support of these men.
Our members are taught its principles (moral lessons and self-knowledge) by a series of ritual dramas—a progression of allegorical "degrees" which are learned by heart and performed within each Lodge— which follow ancient forms and use stonemasons' customs and tools as allegorical guides.
Freemasonry instills in its members a moral and ethical approach to life: its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty, and fairness. Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but, importantly, Freemasonry also teaches concern for people, care for the less fortunate, and help for those in need.” GL of NC
What is Freemasonry you ask? No man nor one brother can answer for the whole of the craft. But to the author of this page, it's a fraternity who binds its members by a common agreement to behave in the same manner. One that teaches morality through the initiatory experience. It reinforces its teaching through allegory and study. Its product is charity, its bonds are brotherly love and affection and it's not for everyone.
That makes it a jewel in our society, one both loved and reviled. It's in the small groups that you will find the true operating craft. Freemasonry requires study and meditation. It’s a beautiful system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.”
"The Red Triangle: A History of Anti-Masonry" Robert Cooper is a great book for those interested.